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Prepare for Cognos 12 - Query Studio Report Conversion (with schedules)!
How to Convert Query Studio Reports to Report Studio Reports
Cognos 12 upgrades mean the end of Query Studio. MetaManager allows you to quickly and easily convert Query Studio (and Analysis Studio) reports to Report Studio Reports. This process will quickly convert the query and analysis studio report objects, as well as any underlying schedules and subobjects. The process is fairly straight forward:
1. Identify Query Studio (//query) or Analysis Studio (//analysis) reports using the MetaManager search bar, and drag the results over into the editing window.
2. Select "Enable This Task" and then select the radio button option of your choice (you can opt to rename the query studio object or to rename the new report studio object), and check the box if you have Report Views that need to link to the converted report.
3. When you're satisfied that you're ready to proceed with the conversion (you've taken the necessary backups/exports of the content), hit the Update button.
If your Query/Analysis studio reports were scheduled, new schedules (matching the existing schedules for distribution, options, etc.) will be created and attached to the new report studio reports. You can also use MetaManager's Object Editor to disable the query studio report schedules while you're here.
If you’re ready to quickly take control of your Query and Analysis Studio Report Conversions, download MetaManager here: https://www.bspsoftware.com/products/metamanager/#mm-download
If you’d like someone else to help you manage your conversions and upgrades, we can help with that too!