Hot Fix Release Notes
  • 12 Aug 2024
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Hot Fix Release Notes

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Version 5.5


Hot Fix Release Notes

Product Information

This document applies to MetaManagerTM Series 5 version 5 and may also apply to subsequent releases. Publication Date:  May 2024.


Copyright © 2008-2024 BSP Software. All Rights Reserved.  US Patent 8,073,863.

Use of this software and documentation is subject to the terms of the EULA, view the EULA here

This section provides a listing of each hot fix build that is released, what was updated and what is required for upgrading.  Note that releases are cumulative and contain all previous hot fixes.  Before upgrading review, the upgrade notes for each release from the current version that you have installed.

MetaManager Version

  • Additional Fields added to Report Audit

  • Enhanced Detail in Content Documenter

  • Updated Documentation and moved online

  • SMSS enhancement to support different default languages in source and target environments

  • Added Uploaded File Audit to Canned Reports

  • Cognos 12.0.2 and 12.0.3 support

MetaManager Version

  • Updated datasource canned report

  • Updated scheduled content Canned Reports Module

  • Added canned reports for packages

  • Fixed cookie cache error

  • Updated Signon Blasters functionality and UI

  • Fixed license error on Report Lineage

  • Added module usage metrics

  • Updated Report Documenter to include object lineage

MetaManager Version

  • Fixed Cognos Authentication error on long running tasks

  • Updated SSL Certificate chain support

  • Updated SMTP email support for SSL

  • Fixed cookie cache error

  • Updated deployment of datasource signons to clear credentials

  • Fixed an authentication error when running a report from tree.

  • SMSS updates for find and replace

MetaManager Version

  • Cognos 12.0.1 support

  • Signon Blasters UI updates

  • Version Control updates

  • Added filter grid to stored output canned report

  • Added unused uploaded files canned report

  • Added role customization documentation

  • Added new Cognos license rules to License Auditor

  • SMSS updates

  • Fixed Favorites import and delete

  • Fixed authentication error

  • Fixed scheduler error

  • Updated Report Validator to not save failed reports

  • Fixed IBM Cognos Configuration canned report

MetaManager Version

  • Cognos 12.0 support

  • Fixed Content Documenter defect with advanced searches

  • Updated Content Documenter to document Advanced Viewer property

  • Deployment defect with only 1 connection resolved

  • Updated Report Lineage to handle invalid deployment references

  • Optimized SMSS Automap

  • Moved SMSS “Entire Content Store” option to the config dialog

  • Fixed Dashboard defect in Find/Replace

  • New Environment Analytics module

  • Added search path to Scheduled Content canned report

  • Updated compare module to allow multiselect for sending objects to deployment

  • New feature in Restore Module for expanding all nodes

  • New feature in Restore Module for dragging unloaded folder to new location

  • Updated Signon Blaster validating signons

MetaManager Version

  • Cognos 11.2.4 support

  • Added capabilities for blasting Tenant options and features

  • smartModules added to Report Lineage

  • Updated SMSS options: custom mapping rules and F/R encoding option

  • Fixed bugs in Schedule Blasters

  • Added last login data in License Auditor UI

MetaManager Version

  • Cognos 11.2.3 support

  • Fixed content documenter error documenting to database

  • Fixed license auditor UI update issue

  • Updated broken support links

  • Fixed connection URL https parsing issue

  • Updated Techdata to TDSynnex

  • SMSS UI bug fixes

  • Fixed model documenter UI icon error

  • Updated report lineage to support datasets

  • Updated preference blaster to support 11.2 updates

  • Fixed report documenter set depth bug

  • Fixed pageset bug

  • Updated deployment support for different data source schema names between environments

  • Fixed bug updating schedule credential.

  • Added support for comparing xslx report in compare reports

  • Updated content documenter output of credential searchpath

MetaManager Version

  • Show error when MetaManager doesn’t have access to the scheduler

  • Updated installer to have a silent WebView2 install

  • Updated Restore module to be multi-threaded

  • Updated logging into multiple name space via a popup

  • Updated Oracle support for x32 and x64 installs

  • Updated Content Documenter to separate email by semi colons

  • Bug fix for selecting Gateways with duplicate names

  • Updated documentation of schedule priority

  • Bug fix for comparing CSV reports

  • Updated performance dashboard setup link

  • Added scheduler command line task

  • Bug fix for documenting job steps

MetaManager Version

  • Bug fix for Security F/R for setting depth of an object

  • Bug fix in Restore Module

  • Support Edge with external login browser compatibility

  • Support to document Tenant features

  • Support to auto-refresh datasets in Object Editor

  • Bug fix in Canned Reports to document all Dispatchers

  • Canned Reports – Documents Tenant properties

  • Object Viewer – added User Profile Settings property

  • Few bug fixes with Object Editor

  • Added content built of a specific data module in Portal Tree search

  • Bug fix for Schedule Blasters Failed jobs

MetaManager Version

  • Support for 11.2.1

  • Updated License Auditor

  • Update Content Documenter to support schemas

  • Fixed help check for updates

  • Fixed SMSS datetime parsing

  • SMSS optimizations

  • Updated Content Documenter support of active schedules

  • Fixed Content Size saving of excel file

  • Optimization of Object Editor

  • Updated Content Documenter job steps documentation

  • Updated logs to show MetaManager version

  • Updated configuration to allow toggling of external scripting

MetaManager Version

  • Fixed Content size output to show children in excel output

  • Fixed Content Documenter documenting to oracle error

  • Optimized Security Audit canned report

  • Fixed connection with a Cam passport bug

  • Fixed comparing jobs bug

  • Fixed a backup/restore/deploy of a package

MetaManager Version

  • Updated Report Documenter query items report to match pdf

  • Resolved Content Documenter issue with special search “User with scheduled reports”

  • Resolved Content Size excel reporting issue with checked objects

  • Resolved running a validate and save from an mmx file through Report Validator

  • Resolved a search path builder issue with filtering

  • SMSS refactoring for connecting to multiple environments

  • Updated Unowned Content to have a select all feature

  • Resolved Performance Dashboard issue when no ICS connection was found

MetaManager Version

  • Support for Cognos 11.2.0

  • Canned Reports – Added new Unused Packages report

  • Content Documenter – Fixed issue loading schema

  • Content Documenter – Fixed issue with MMX file loading

  • Content Documenter – Fixed issue with command line

  • Find and Replace – Fixed issue with Power Play specifications

  • License Auditor – Fixed issue with saving MMX file

MetaManager Version

  • License Auditor Functionality Updated

  • Version Control Module allows for longer notes

  • Content Size PDF Output Fixed

  • Report Validator updates for “Validate and Save” from schedule or command line and for report fix option

  • Preferences Blaster updated

  • Bug fix for scheduled deployments

  • Report Versions option added to Backup

  • Pagelet Blasters updated to support nested memberships

MetaManager Version

  • CA 11.1.7 compatibility added

  • Content Documenter - Audit details update

  • Report Compare - Fixed issue running a comparison

  • Pagelet Blasters - Fixed issue using a group within a group

  • Scheduler - Fixed issue with results e-mail

  • Security Find/Replace - Set depth option added

  • Security Auditor - Delete snapshots feature added

  • Security Migrator (SMSS) - Feature added to batch the find and replace tool for multiple files

  • Object Viewer & Schedule Blaster - Fixed issue with schedule recipients not showing up correctly

  • Content Size - Updated functionality and user interface

  • Canned Reports - Assessments added

MetaManager Version

  • CA 11.1.6 compatibility added

  • Content Size - Fixed inconsistencies

  • Content Documenter - Fixed .mmx file output issue for sub-folders and filtered objects

  • Content Extractor - Fixed Scheduler issue

  • Compare Reports - Prompt option added

  • Schedule Blaster - Email character length addressed

  • Compare Reports - Output enhancements added, and issues addressed

  • Signon Blasters - Backwards compatibility added for .mmx files

  • Preference Blasters - Home page setting moved from Pagelet Blasters to Preference Blasters

  • Compare / Compare Reports - Fixed target environment CAM passport issue

  • Report Documenter - Fixed filter issue

  • Compare Reports - Fixed issue with unwanted characters from report name string

  • Validate - Added Custom Date Range option

  • Security Auditor - Missing CSV options restored

  • General – Memory release issue addressed

  • Security Auditor - Fixed MMX loading issue and added Scheduler button to toolbar

  • Canned Reports - Query service issue addressed

  • Object Editor - Fixed report default execution format issue

  • Canned Reports - Assessments added

  • Report Lineage module was added

  • License Auditor - Added Everyone, All Authenticated Users, and Anonymous to the results

  • Security Painter - Added model and model views

  • Content Documenter – Added Audit DB details to documentation

MetaManager Version

  • CA 11.1.5 compatibility added

  • Pagelet Blasters – Fixed command line Groups/Roles issue

  • Compare Reports – Created new module to compare report outputs

  • Preference Blasters – Fixed command line issue with time zones

  • Canned Reports – Updated multiple recipients documentation

  • Backup – Fixed a backup threading issue

  • Favorites – Added Delete to the context menu

  • License Auditor – Updated license algorithm to reflect Cognos license updates

MetaManager Version

  • CA 11.1.4 compatibility added

  • Preferences Blasters UI update for setting home page

  • Security Editor – Resolved a duplication error when dragging a group from one user to another

  • Security Snapshot – You can now use the same database for the security snapshot and the security audit.

  • Content Extractor – Fixed a limit date range bug

  • Security Migrator – Updated SMSS to show notification lists in the excel output

  • License Auditor – Reflect the latest release of the Cognos Analytics licensing

  • License Auditor – Now shows direct capabilities on lineage

  • Scheduler – The scheduler output was updated to include more details and error handling

  • Content Size – PDF/HTML outputs were put back into content size

  • Content Size – You can now schedule a content size report

  • Content Size – UI enhancements to select what content to document

  • Report Documenter – Long SQL queries now span multiple pages

  • Security Replicator – Fixed object reference error when a source account was not selected

  • Compare – Bug fix when comparing a backup of a package

  • Favorites items now have an option to remove from favorites instead of a delete

  • Signon Blasters – Optimized Cognos query and fixed bug with saving the mmx file

  • Fixed object reference error when validating datasources

  • Canned Reports – Fixed bug when running canned reports from the scheduler

  • Fixed error when dragging objects from grid in object editor to favorites folder

MetaManager Version

  • Resolved Xceed licensing issue when running on machines with Danish regional language setting

  • License Auditor Updated for Orphaned Accounts and Users with no assigned capabilities

  • Content Documenter - Excel cell character limit issue resolved

  • Content Extractor - Command Line failure when running via Scheduler fixed

  • Content Extractor – bug with filtering by date resolved

  • Canned Reports – Stored output report output improvements

  • Scheduler – Error reporting issue resolved

  • SMSS - Add logging and lock around cookie access

  • Ability to set home page added to Preferences Blaster

  • Security Auditor - CSV output was added

  • CA 11.1.3 compatibility added

  • Content Documenter - Job handling improvements

  • Connections -  Test error was fixed

  • Script Runner - Options property was not updating before fix

  • Security Replicator - Object reference error when replicating the security and access rights for any user was fixed

  • Security Snapshot - Object reference error issue viewing snapshots was fixed

  • Content Size – Enhancements include filtering on content size, and searching for specific types of objects.

MetaManager Version

  • Quick release to fix bug identified in

MetaManager Version

  • Compare Module – ability to use MetaManager backup files (.mmz) to compare against an environment

  • Content Extractor – feature added allowing users the option to delete outputs from the Content Store after archiving

  • Content Extractor – added an option to specify a date range of outputs to archive

  • Canned Reports – added a field for “request time” to the Scheduled Content output

  • Find / Replace – added a location of “Custom SQL” so users are able to change only custom SQL attributes within their environment

  • Find / Replace – after a copy/paste MetaManager cleans up carriage returns causing empty searches

  • Content Documenter – now documents User Capabilities Policies into Excel (note: folders and packages have these policies

  • License Auditor – displays the last login date/time of the users

  • Security Painter – added a new tab called “User Capability Policies” allowing users to update those policies in bulk

  • Signon Blasters – recognizes role based security and won’t show datasource in the Portal Tree that a user does not have access to within Cognos

  • Client Versioning (FM Version Control) – added an option to ignore files a user might not want to version

  • Added StoreID to the Excel and pdf outputs for Content and Report Documenter Modules

  • The add connections option now defaults to Cognos Analytics URL

  • No longer support DB2 as a database for documenting or saving outputs within MetaManager

  • Fixed bug with Security Editor when dragging and dropping members to groups within the grid

  • Fixed bug with Content Documenter outputs to Oracle database

  • Performance improvements to Security Editor

  • Updated License Auditor to reflect new Cognos Licensing

MetaManager Version

  • Support for dashboards and stories, and documenting report parameters in Content Documenter

  • Updates to License Auditor for new way IBM Cognos is licensed

  • Query Studio reports added to Content Documenter audit database details

  • Query Studio Reports added to Report Documenter

  • Support for uploaded files added in Deploy

  • Property Filter added to Compare module

  • Added additional dashboard support in Find and Replace module

  • Content Size module now displays search path of the largest objects

  • Bug fixed related to Content Size not documenting very large objects

  • Fixed bugs related to Object Editor – Find/Replace

  • In Object Editor “Run in Advanced Viewer” renamed to “Run as Interactive”

  • Fixed bug when restoring packages to a new environment

  • Fixed a bugs in Version Control related to communication error messages and right-click option for “Check out and publish”

  • Fixed bug related to external portal authentication

  • General MetaManager performance/efficiency upgrades

  • Added support for Cognos 10 login with SiteMinder

MetaManager Version

  • Supports IBM CA 11.1 (known issue with running reports directly in MetaManager)

  • Enhancement (Object Editor) to update underlying Report Views when converting reports to Workspace Advanced

  • Updated License Auditor to match IBM’s new licensing model

  • Dragging advanced searches to the grid in Content Documenter and Object Editor is now supported

  • Updates made to support all locales that IBM Cognos also supports

  • Fixed a bug for deploying Cognos Analytics Dashboards

  • Updated the Query Item report to include: “Format type” 

MetaManager Version

  • Script Runner function added “runReport()”

  • Script Runner API function can now accept a third (optional) Boolean value

  • Compare Module – Right-click functionality to run the report directly from the grid

  • Pagelet Blasters – Fixed a bug with not updating groups or roles

  • Security Auditor bug fixes

  • Optimized some performance issues in Security Editor

MetaManager Version

  • Compatible with Cognos Analytics 11.0.7 forward

  • Added the ability to use Favorites Folder in the Compare Module as the base folder

  • Added the ability to run Shortcuts within Report Validator

  • Fixed a bug in the searchPath builder

  • Fixed a bug in Object Editor when setting Schedule Credentials

  • Added the ability to use a wild-card when entering an email address  for the advanced search > Schedules sent to a specific address

  • Fixed a bug in Report Validator for directory name is invalid error

  • Fixed a bug with Security Find/Replace when replacing CAMID

  • Ability to run MMX file with Signon Blasters

  • Drag and drop of advanced search fixed in Content Documenter

  • Security Editor fix when adding members to a group

  • Added data modules and datasets to Content Size

  • Fixed a few minor bugs in Security Auditor

MetaManager Version

  • Report Documenter UI Update – Ability to run the Query Items Report as a standalone output

  • Object Editor – Schedules being disabled/enabled is fixed

  • SSO connections process has been updated

  • Search for Schedules sent to a specific address bug fixed to use CAMID’s

  • Report Validator can now run Report Views directly from the grid

  • Fixed an issues with Scheduled Content, Canned Report missing information

MetaManager Version

  • Bug fixes in Canned Reports, Report Search, Security Replicator, User Access and Object Editor

  • Security Migration changes for the Content Reference sheet

  • Added new licensing option for Subscription Purchases

  • Removed the legacy IBM Cognos (pre 2014) license option from License Auditor

  • Updated files for IBM Cognos 11.0.9 compatibility

  • Added functionality to export Managed Transactions

MetaManager Version

  • Added functionality to log and output stats during load test in the Load Module

  • Updates to Signon Blasters error handling

  • Fixed a bug with the impacted column in Report Search

  • Fixed an Object Reference error edge condition with Schedule Blaster

    • Security Painter

    • Security Replicator

    • Schedule Blaster

MetaManager Version

  • NEW Scheduler Module – Enables users to more easily schedule other MetaManager modules to run via Command Line (Tools > Schedule Tasks)  through the UI

  • Security Migration has been optimized for better performance during loading and processing the Impact Analysis file

  • Moved to a new 4.6.1 .NET framework

  • Datasource Validation now shows which ones do not have signons

  • Fixed a few issues with Schedule Blasters

MetaManager Version

  • Security Migration issue was fixed for parsing out a file

  • Security Auditor error writing to DB2 and Oracle database has been resolved

  • Publishing feature was fixed in the Version Control Module

  • Model Documenter outputting format for a query item has been updated

MetaManager Version

  • Updated Metadata to support Cognos Analytics 11.0.7

  • Report Documenter Query Items Report issue fixed

MetaManager Version

  • Support for deploying and comparing environments with a single connection license

  • Deployment of Dynamic Query Mode Packages

  • Added the ability to save Load Module

  • Fixed output types for Canned Reports

  • Fixed Content Extractor issue with long file paths

  • Oracle error fixed for documenting to a database.

MetaManager Version

  • Added a small web portal to access the dashboard of the Monitoring Module

  • Script Runner support adding attachments to emails

  • Gateway CPU display fixed in Dashboard Module

  • Minor bug fixes and features

MetaManager Version

  • Preferences Blasters now has transaction manager support to revert changes

  • Added support to “Find Related Reports” for a Module object through the Portal Tree

  • Ability for Report Documenter to drop folders into the grid area

  • Updated the error messages for importing groups and roles within Security Editor to be more descriptive

  • Additional minor bug fixes and updates

MetaManager Version

  • New Script Runner script that creates an excel file of new reports created

  • Security Auditor is Command Line enabled

  • Object Editor is Command Line enabled

MetaManager Version

  • New Module – “Object Viewer”  Takes the place of Specification Editor and the Advance Mode in Object Editor plus new added functionality

  • Object Editor – UI has been revamped with a new look

  • Cube Find /Replace – has been moved to an Object Editor function

  • Under General > Find / Replace > Option of “Connection String”

  • Prompt Editor Module and functionality has been moved to Object Editor under the “Parameters” options

  • Performance Monitoring Module has added functionality and stability

  • Canned Reports – UI has been revamped with a new look

  • Canned Reports – new reports added

  • License Audit – outputs license auditing information that is configured in the IBM Cognos Environment

  • Stored Outputs – review quantity and size of Report Outputs in the Content Store

  • Security Concerns – outputs any security concerns within the IBM Cognos Environment

  • Compare Environments – outputs a report on the objects between two environments (must own the Compare Module to run the output)

  • Object Editor now supports save, open

  • Security Painter grid has been fixed for drag and drop functionality

  • Signon Blaster Oracle issue has been revisited and fixed

  • SMSS – Supports Copy/Paste and fixed a minor bug

  • Transaction Manager support for Object Editor

MetaManager Version

  • Bug fix for Compare Module in the quick compare tab, not hiding orphans

  • Additional logic change to Compare Module for better functionality

MetaManager Version

  • Compare Module - added substantial UI updates

  • Fixed Canned Reports (Security Audit) documentation

  • Fixed a bug with Content Documenter documenting to an Oracle database

  • TM1 Bundle updates and bug fixes

MetaManager Version

  • SMSS Updates

  • Script Runner support for Monitoring Module

  • Increased CA support for deploying Data Modules

MetaManager Version

  • Fixed a small bug with Script Runner

MetaManager Version

  • Fix for Package Search when using special characters

  • Performance Services scripting issues fixed

  • Increased support for Cognos Analytics objects

  • Additional small bug fixes

MetaManager Version

  • Update to the SMSS process to make it more efficient and intuitive

  • Updated Excel formatting throughout

MetaManager Version

  • HOTFIX – a missing file was causing a bad installation with an old settings file already installed

MetaManager Version

  • Additional support for IBM Cognos Analytics objects (11.0.5)

  • Added support to import and export CSV file in Find / Replace Module

  • Service Module updated to handle the saved services better

  • Added support to include datasource mapping in the Content Documenter Excel output

  • Model Documenter now supports command line

  • Preference Blasters now supports command line

  • Added support for sub-objects in the Portal Tree to show a name and not date-time stamp

MetaManager Version

  • Perform – Services bug fix for the saved scripts being removed

  • New API features for Options and Job commands

MetaManager Version

  • Ability to edit the logs directory location

  • Bug fix for Backup Module not backing up the content correctly

  • Additional features added to the Compare Module

  • Added “Save Log File...” options to Preferences Blasters to view the status of the objects being updated

  • Report Validator fix for Query Studio reports with prompting enabled

  • Other minor bug fixes

MetaManager Version

  • Added “Compare” module to compare structure of two environments

  • Added “Performance Monitoring Service” to monitor Cognos Gateway and Dispatchers and take action in the event of a failure

  • Fixed bug with Security Auditor capturing Active Directory Groups and Roles

  • Fixed bug with MetaManager capabilities security

  • Added feature to create a shortcut directly from the Portal Tree

  • Added feature to Preference Blasters to include Favorites

  • Added documentation for jobs saved in file system for Excel files

  • Added ability to remove scripts from Performance Services

MetaManager Version

  • Added “SearchPath” Column in Report Documenter output and fixed a bug for importing list to favorites

  • Added API support for updating parameter names

  • Fixed bug with Object Editor being disabled with MetaManager Lease.

MetaManager Version

  • Added feature to the Report tab of Object Editor to make the selection of runInAdvancedViewer property

  • No longer ships Oracle dlls with the product for database connections

  • Added storeID’s to Excel and .csv documentation for Content Documenter

  • Canned Report – IBM Cognos Config generating outputs now fixed

  • Other minor bug fixes

MetaManager Version

  • Made Impact Tab within SMSS available for trial if requested

  • Performance Dashboard instructions updated for Cognos 10.2.2 and forward

MetaManager Version

  • Added an Impact tab to SMSS to estimate the time and perform complete analysis of the content store required for a migration

  • Fixed a bug documenting direct and indirect group and role memberships

  • New API script features to execute subscripts

  • Fixed issues with features not displaying correctly on 125% display (must be configured to a resolution of 1920x1080)

MetaManager Version

  • New Tabbed UI

    • Multiple instances can be used with the same Module

    • Connections can be used across multiple environments with one to many Modules

  • Updated the charting package for Content Size and Performance Dashboard

  • Content Size 64 bit now compatible with graph

  • Additional work on Deployment for package

  • Fixed a bug related to replicating Schedules within Jobs for Schedule Blaster

  • Added a feature to Pagelet Blasters to allow selection of depth of the security object

  • Error optimization for the Restore Service

MetaManager Version

  • Bug Fix in Prompt Editor for reportViews

MetaManager Version

  • Added support for “runInAdvancedViewer” property to be edited in Object Editor for Cognos 11

MetaManager Version

  • Command Line support for SMSS

  • Fixed some deploying issues with hidden characters and missing policies

  • License Auditor fix with traversing groups and roles

  • Backup and Restore of Hebrew characters issue has been fixed

  • Improved speed optimization for imports

MetaManager Version

  • Impersonate user for managing services has been fixed

  • Update to the Audit database connecting to Oracle

  • Security Editor issue fixed with duplicated members

  • Minor bug fixes and UI updates

MetaManager Version

  • Added Audit support for Query Objects

  • Security Auditor bug fixes

  • Updated database connection to include the ability to add the raw database string

  • Find / Replace update to be able to remove white space from blank text html item

  • Updated Raw XML tab in Object Editor to be able to append the raw xml

  • Fixed Pagelet Blasters distribute issues with mmx files

  • Bug fixes in Security Find / Replace

MetaManager Version

  • Ability to enable/disable schedules using the Object Editor UI.

  • Fixed bug in SMSS where advanced searches were not able to be dragged-and-dropped to the canvas area.

  • Fixed bug in Backup, Restore, and Deploy that threw an error when running advanced searches.

  • Allow for the Set Properties option to be selected in Find/Replace without having to create a new entry first.

  • Fixed error when selecting an advanced search and outputting documentation to PDF.

MetaManager Version

  • Fix for DataItem search in Find/Replace

MetaManager Version

  • Support for Xpath search box in Find/Replace Module

  • Added support in Report Validator for “Generate broken query item/MUN report” button

  • Bug fix for Oracle and DB2 Audit Database not saving properly

  • Report Documenter updated to handle long qualifying file path names

  • Bug fix for loading model.xml and CPF files in Find/Replace

  • Security Painter has been fix when loading objects into the grid area

  • Content Documenter now documents history to its own Excel tab

MetaManager Version

  • Added a Built-in-Search for Unowned Content

  • Support for Exporting the report spec to Excel and SQL database

  • Added support for migrating “My Watched Items” during a Security Migration

  • Fixed bug in Security Painter for adding multiple policies

  • Fixed bug in Schedule Blaster to no longer change policies when replicating a schedule

MetaManager Version

  • Fixed bug in database for storeID length with Security Auditor Snapshot.

MetaManager Version

  • Fixed bug in Report Validator with the new auto-prompting feature and a report contained a date-time prompt.

  • Fixed bug in Security Auditor that prevented a security snapshot to be created to an Oracle database.

  • Audit database connections now support DB2 for use in the Perform Bundle.

MetaManager Version

  • Fixed bug in Report Documenter where certain list reports were not being documented.

  • Backup and Deploy now support Rave Visualizations.

  • Fixed bug where Routing Server Groups were not being respected when loading report prompts

MetaManager Version

  • Added additional support for date and date-time auto-prompt within Report Validator

  • Updated Version Control to support new ICS 3.0

MetaManager Version

  • Added Report Validator Fix Report support for Query Studio reports

MetaManager Version

  • API support for additional schedule properties

  • Routing server fix when loading report prompts in Report Validator

MetaManager Version

  • Auto-Prompt feature added to Report Validator for validating reports with prompts

  • Bug fix for datasource validation in Performance Modules

  • Additional DB2 Support for database outputs

MetaManager Version

  • Bug fixes for package deployments and back-ups

MetaManager Version

  • Bug fix for filtering dynamic backups

  • Grid refactoring for Object Editor, Deploy, and Content Documenter

  • Added feature to change object name with “ab” toggle in Security Editor

  • Added API functionality to retrieve background and interactive activities

  • Feature added to the Portal Tree context menu to validate Packages

MetaManager Version

  • Support for dynamic backups in the Backup Module

  • Enhancement for License Auditor not returning results

  • Fixed registered connections for TM1 connections

  • Accounts with an IBM Cognos profile returns all users

MetaManager Version

  • Bug fix for License Auditor with the legacy license model

  • Security Editor performance improvement

  • Security Editor options added to the toolbar for cascading and grid layout

  • Object Count is added to Content Documenter Excel output

MetaManager Version

  • Bug fix for Canned Reports not running properly in Command Line

  • Adjustments made to Report Validator for handling Cognos Routing Sets

  • Security Auditor now documents to Excel and a database without setting up the snapshot location

  • Security Editor fix for displaying duplicate members in a group or role

  • Fixed a bug with Content Documenters searchPath format

  • Fixed a bug with Canned Reports not saving an output for Scheduled Content

  • Made performance adjustments with temp files – Ability to edit the location

  • Added the ability to add members to Datasource Sign-ons through Security Editor

MetaManager Version

  • Added additional logging support for Security Migration

MetaManager Version

  • Fixed an issue in Content Documenter with documenting sub-items within a namespace folder

  • Added charts to PDF documentation

  • Updated some images in the UI and documentation

MetaManager Version

  • Added command-line functionality for License Auditor

  • Deploy Module now supports Depth to deploy “This Item Only” or “Include Subfolders”

  • Deploy Module supports deploying “Credentials”

  • Content Size now supports Excel Output

  • Security Auditor, edit and print options added to the tool bar

  • Bug fix for documenting recipients for Excel in Content Documenter

  • Bug fix with Security Auditor Out of Memory Exception

MetaManager Version

  • Added additional option in Object Editor which will save Query and Analysis Studio reports as Workspace Advanced.

  • Update MetaManager Welcome Screen to use our blog

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to set schedule credentials without setting an owner

  • Fixed an issue with Performance check box 'Allow the use of temp files to conserve memory' not saving when checked.

MetaManager Version

  • Version Control (Client Connector) has been added to MetaManager

  • MetaManager 64 bit now supports Oracle connections

  • Load times have been optimized to move faster

  • Fixed an issue with creating a TM1 gateway

  • Fixed a deployment issue with workspaces

  • Fixed an issue with Schedule Blasters not updating job step definitions

  • Corrected a bug that would duplicate audit outputs

  • Fixed an issue with packages not showing up in Security Auditor

  • Added Summary and Email Count to Scheduled Content Report

MetaManager Version

  • Fixed a bug in Security Editor with deleting multiple security objects

  • Updated the License Auditor Logic

  • Re-Added the ability to use Windows Authentication when connecting to a database through MetaManager

MetaManager Version

  • Added an impact report that opens an Excel file for Security Find/Replace after a Preview or Update

  • New functionality to Security Auditor – Ability to take and save snapshots of the current security and view the lineage of a security object

  • License Auditor now depicts the latest IBM Business Analytics licensing

  • License Auditor has a lineage tab to view the licensed users security lineage

  • Fixed a bug within the gateway connection causing performance issues

  • Added context menu items to Edit groups, roles, and memberships within the Portal Tree

MetaManager Version

  • Updated an issue with documenting and connecting to an Oracle database

  • Fixed a bug in Preferences Blasters with blasting to a group or role

MetaManager Version

  • Added a feature to Report Validator to Document and Load Default Prompt Values

  • Added support for loading report parameters in the API

  • Added support to download package model XML in API

  • Added Script Runner to Find/Replace, Report Search, Object Editor, and Content Documenter Modules

  • Fixed a bug with Transaction Manager not reverting changes correctly

MetaManager Version

  • Added Support in Model Documenter to parse FROM clause from the SQL Query

  • API – Added ability to read and modify XML files

  • Fixed a bug with testing the gateway connection

MetaManager Version

  • Upgraded Icons to match Cognos 10.2.1

  • Added support for Norwegian product language for Preference

  • Added support for rolapDataSource & rolapVirtualDataSource beneath Datasources node in tree for the Deploy Module

  • Fixed a bug with operating in only 4 threads for SMSS

  • Added support for documenting, set prompt values, for reports within a job in Content Documenter

MetaManager Version

  • Added support to read scheduling information to increase API capabilities

  • Added support for datasource connection strings in API Module.

  • Fixed bug with documentation link in License Auditor

  • Fixed an issue with Restore Module not processing on a single thread

MetaManager Version

  • NEW Modules: Performance Monitoring Bundle - MetaManager's Performance Bundle provides at-a-glance performance information that is tailored specifically for IBM Cognos administrators

  • Fixed an error with editing audit database connections

  • Added right-click “Review Security” option to the Portal Tree that gives the ability to reset permissions to inherit on all descendants

  • Fixed an issue with the end date column of canned reports

  • Added support for interactive reports in Report Documenter

  • Resolved an issue with the options screen

  • Fixed an error with Excel outputs in Report Validator & Content Documenter

  • Updated Object Editor to allow setting of schedule credentials without setting owner

MetaManager Version

  • Content Documenter will now document jobstep definitions

  • Fixed a bug with restoring packages

  • Fixed an error with object editor right click abilities

  • The portal tree will now be expanded upon connecting to a gateway

  • Fixed an error with backing up capabilities in the Backup module

  • Fixed an issue with the cancel button in the Restore module

  • Added the ability to see CAMIDs in Security Editor

  • Fixed an issue with the “New” button not clearing the grid in the Deploy module

MetaManager Version

  • NEW Module: TM1 Bundle – Element Security enables users to navigate the element hierarchy and view the existing element security assignments for both Native TM1 Authentication and integrated Cognos BI security.

  • Support for documenting datasources within Canned Reports – Account Security Audit

  • Added a button in Security Editor to toggle between names and CAMIDs

  • Security Editor users can now drag a datasource sign-on to the canvas and adjust the consumers of the sign-on

  • API – Added logonAciveConnection to log onto the currently selected connection

  • API – Added the ability to create datasource connections and signons

  • API – Added the ability to modify datasource sign-on consumers

  • API – Added the ability to create a server from the active MetaManager connection

  • Added script runner process for executing API Scripts

MetaManager Version

  • Added Support for API to read excel files in the current directory

  • Fixed a bug with multiple log screens

  • Fixed a bug with defaultName when restoring accounts for Security Migrator

  • Added a button in Security Editor to view CAMIDs

MetaManager Version

  • Added new gateway User Interface

  • Added the ability to import and export connections

  • Added TM1 bundle from MetaManager for TM1

  • Fixed an issue when searching the portal tree in Cognos 10.2

MetaManager Version

  • Bug fix in Object Editor for updating the Default Action and Default Format of a report.

  • Added the ability to create DataSources in the API

  • Updated the documentation for API examples

MetaManager Version

  • The User Access module will now display the object name rather than the ancestor path.

  • A new item has been added to Content Documenters property list beneath General for "Audit Log Information"

  • Fixed issues with the “Welcome Wizard”

  • Added the ability to right click and close the tabs in the API.

MetaManager Version

  • Fixed an issue with the License Auditor documentation

  • Opening a .mmx file will no longer select the wrong gateway or no gateway at all

  • Fixed an issue with Deploy failing if the workspace does not exist in the target environment

  • New Free Module – Viewing Folders from a User Perspective

  • Fixed a bug related to License Auditor not exporting to text

MetaManager Version

  • Two new free modules added to assist in managing orphaned and unowned content

  • New welcome wizard when installing MetaManager:

    • Offering a fresh clean look and feel, while offering more insight into the product

    • Adding the ability to test and save your initial gateway

  • Ability to register your gateway or dispatcher in order to comply with the new pricing model

  • Restructured the “bundles” or groups for all MetaManager modules

  • Added two columns (End Type, Modification Time) to Canned Reports, Scheduled Content documentation

  • Updated Canned Reports, Scheduled Content to separate columns based on semi-colon “;” instead of comma “,”

  • Fixed a bug with displaying a custom logo for documentation

MetaManager Version

  • Fixed a bug with deploying and restoring model properties

  • Added more details to our soap trace files for enhanced logging

MetaManager Version

  • Added additional debugging information for better error logging

  • Fixed Security Replicator functionality issue

  • Updated support for requests to SSL secure channels

MetaManager Version

  • Fixed a language issue with Report Validator capability

  • Added a new capability for the Script Runner module

  • Fixed an issue with the Deploy module deploying packages with errors

  • Added a new deploy feature to MetaManager API

MetaManager Version

  • Updated our EULA

  • Added functionality to the Deploy Module, it now supports command line capabilities

  • Fixed a performance issue when dragging a user account into the grid area of Security Editor

  • Fixed an error with Content Documenter when documenting to a database

  • Fixed an error with dragging objects to the bottom grid area of Security Replicator

  • Fixed a Command Line issue with running .mmx files

MetaManager Version

  • Updated API to set a working directory to script file directory.

  • Updated bug for the search bar repositioning when using a larger display.

  • Updated Content Documenter to resolve issue with documenting account security.

  • Updated Model Documenter to expand shortcuts.

MetaManager Version

  • Updated bug for missing object model data within Deploy Module has been fixed.

  • Updated Backup and Restore Modules to resolve issue with loading dependencies.

  • Updated the upgrade process from early versions of MetaManager to the newer 32- and 64-bit versions.

MetaManager Version

  • Script Runner (New Module) - Script runner is an API that allows that ability to unlock the power of MetaManager by writing custom scripts that can run in a bulk fashion. We have created our own classes and methods that perform functions within Cognos through our MetaManager API.

  • General -  MetaManager now supports a 64-bit install

  • Upgraded MetaManager’s Zipping Components to handle larger files

  • Updated the MetaManager Framework to allow the support of older Cognos objects from Cognos 8.1, 8.1, and 8.3.

  • Support for displaying Package Name of an object in the properties section in the Portal Tree

  • Support for displaying Package Path of an object in the properties section of the Portal Tree

  • Canned Reports Datasource Validation - Added a grid to limit the output to specific datasources that can be dragged to the new grid area.

  • Prompt Editor - Support for Agents and Agent Views in the Portal Tree for Prompt Editor

  • Report Documenter - The Table of Contents in the PDF output was lost in previous versions, this has now returned

  • Supports documenting Combination Charts and Fixed Cross tabs

  • Support for documenting Slicers in the Query Items Report

  • Report Validator - Added the ability to display the Pretty Path for the Ancestor Path in all available outputs

  • Schedule Blasters - Supports Jobs and Job Steps. You can only edit the Job Steps if they are overriding delivery options from the parent.

MetaManager Version

  • Meta Editor – Allows user to publish models directly to Cognos, instead of using Framework Manager.

  • Content Documenter – Added the ability to document:

    • Option properties

    • Jobs and Job Step properties

    • New columns for specific report properties within Excel’s Report Tab

  • Report Documenter – Added Checkbox to produce a query item report

  • Increased support for Distribution Lists in supported modules.

  • Added support for gzip, checkbox option is under > Tools > Options > Performance.

  • Support import from clipboard option in Portal Tree favorites context menu.

MetaManager Version

  • Content Documenter – Added the ability to document:

    • Notification list property

    • Output Datasize

    • Contact Info

    • Schedule Details to the Excel output

  • Canned Reports, Scheduled Content – Added multiple checkboxes to specify documenting, Schedules, Report Versions or Jobs.

  • Content Size – Button added to sort by object count instead of size.

  • Object Editor - Fixed a bug that did not allow linking Interactive Reports to a package.

  • Support “Cut” option in the Portal Tree.

  • Added support to Processing Grids for a “Depth” when dragging a container object to the grid.  Allows the user to set all rows to “self” or “descendants”.