Document Job Steps (including jobs within jobs) with MetaManager
  • 28 Apr 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Document Job Steps (including jobs within jobs) with MetaManager

  • Dark

Article summary

Document Job Steps (Including Jobs that are Job Steps)

  1. Open MetaManager and navigate to Document > Content Documenter
  2. Search for/locate the job(s) you wish to document, and drag them to the right into the object area.  Or, if you wish to document all jobs, you can do a search for “//jobDefinition” and drag over the entire result.
  3. Select an Output File, in this example, I am creating an Excel output called “Job Documentation Step 1”
  4. In the right-hand menu, select the Checkbox next to General
  5. Click “Document”

  1. When your documentation is complete, the Excel file should open automatically (if you do not have Excel installed on the machine with MetaManager, open the spreadsheet on another machine).  One of the tabs at the bottom of the workbook is titled, “Job Step,” open that tab.  
  2. The Job Step tab shows each individual Job Step (jobStepDefinition) of the documented job.   To identify which job steps are themselves ALSO different jobs, navigate to Column K.  Click the down arrow to filter the results, and type “jobDefinition” into the search bar and click OK.  
  3. This now shows the search path for any job step that is also a job.  Now we can use the searchpath(s) to identify other jobs, and then add them to our documentation.  
  4. Copy the searchpath from Column K, and go back to MetaManager, and paste the searchpath into the search bar in the same Content Documenter Window you’re already using.   Run the search and then drag the new job over into the documentation area, rename your output (Job Documentation Step 2).  If there is more than one job included in your original job, search and drag over those jobs as well, and then click document.  At this point you are documenting the first job again, AND the additional job(s) that was included.  
  5. Complete steps 6-9 as needed until you have no new jobDefinitions that show up as job steps in your documentation. In my case, I needed to complete one additional round of documentation to ultimately show that my original job included a job, and that job included another job. Now the complete documentation shows full job steps for each of the three jobs. Ultimately I started with a single job that had 5 steps, and the final documentation shows 19 total steps that are part of that original job.
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    Job Documentation Step 1.xlsx
    Job Documentation Step 2.xlsx
    Job Documentation Step 3.xlsx