Appendix A: Redirects if Using SSL
  • 21 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Appendix A: Redirects if Using SSL

  • Dark

Article summary


If the IBM Cognos environment has SSL in place, it may cause ICS to not function properly and will require a redirect to be put in place. The redirects that need to be setup will differ based on the application server being used, IIS or Apache.

IIS Redirect

The steps for IIS can be found in the IIS setup section above.

Apache Redirect

This guide was written and based off the Cognos Guide below:

The setup for Apache 2.4 requires an additional rewrite rule for the ICS Service, similar to the mapping for the BI folder in IBM Cognos (For example -  C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\bi)


  1. Navigate to  apache_or_ihs_install_root/conf and locate cognos.conf

  2. Check if there is a server farm URL or a gateway URL in place, and use that folder location, which Apache is mapped to, to work in for the below steps.

  3. Locate: # Send default URL to service

    RewriteRule ^/ibmcognos/bi/([^/.]+\.jsp)?$ balancer://mycluster/bi/$1 [P]

  4. Add below: # Send default URL to service for ICS

    RewriteRule ^/ibmcognos/icsService/(.*)?$ http://{server name}:{port number}/$1 [P]

    (The user may need to make an empty “icsService” folder in ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent)
    Note: ---Steps 5 and 6 are Optional---

  5. Locate: # Define cognos location       

    <Location /ibmcognos>

        RequestHeader set X-BI-PATH /ibmcognos/bi/v1


  6. And add below: # Define cognos location for ICS

    <Location /ibmcognos/icsService >

        RequestHeader set X- ICSSER -PATH /ibmcognos/icsService


  7. Save the file.

  8. Restart the Apache Service.

Test with the URL as intended http://{server name}:{port number}/api/Connections/GetAllConnections

New mapping


New URL is the same gateway/server farm URL that was identified in Step 2.

If the same page appears with both links, then the mapping is working.